
My Promise To You

Hey everyone, and welcome to the An Agony Aunt Here blog. If you do confide in me some of your problems, I swear that I will help you in the best possible way that I can. I will not release your details (such as your email address) under any circumstance, however, with your permission (by clicking "yes" on the form) I will display your name when I put up information about the people I have helped. I really hope that I help you, and sort out your problem as best I can. Also, if you disagree with some advice that I add on, or think that something is missing, feel free to comment on there, and add whatever information you can. Come back soon!
Your Agony Aunt ** Anouncement ** The form seems to be up and running again, so you can continue to use it. I have also put up a new layout, instead of the boring default one that used to be up here. Hope you like it!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Sleeping Problems

Well my problem is about sleeping. Either I can't go to sleep at all, or I can only manage to sleep for an hour or so every night. I don't know what to do. I haven't slept properly, and I am always tired in school. I have tried to count "jumping sheep" and all that, but none of it works for me. Do you have any suggestions?

Ginger Famallion, 17, Brazil.

Hello Ginger. Sleeping, sometimes known as Insomnia, is definitely a big problem, especially if you are going to school and need to concentrate. If you have tried to count numbers, read, or relax before you go to sleep, then these might not work because you need to already be tired before they can take any effect. Try to do a little exercise, like swimming, cycling, or even walking before you get into bed. If this doesn't work, try to make your bedtime later. Before you go to sleep, try to scoff down some banana's, tuna, or some warm tasty milk. These tend to turn your body into a calmer mood, and hopefully let you sleep faster. Hope this helps. If not, then you should consult a doctor for further information.

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