
My Promise To You

Hey everyone, and welcome to the An Agony Aunt Here blog. If you do confide in me some of your problems, I swear that I will help you in the best possible way that I can. I will not release your details (such as your email address) under any circumstance, however, with your permission (by clicking "yes" on the form) I will display your name when I put up information about the people I have helped. I really hope that I help you, and sort out your problem as best I can. Also, if you disagree with some advice that I add on, or think that something is missing, feel free to comment on there, and add whatever information you can. Come back soon!
Your Agony Aunt ** Anouncement ** The form seems to be up and running again, so you can continue to use it. I have also put up a new layout, instead of the boring default one that used to be up here. Hope you like it!

Monday, May 12, 2008

I'm worried about my friend

Hi Agony Aunt...
I have a little problem..My friend has been talking to this boy online, and they have decided to meet each other next week at a cafe. I don\'t know a lot about him, and am worried about him. He claims to be seventeen years old, and really popular in his school, or something like that, but he has never given my friend more information than that about him. I am worried about her, and don\'t think she should meet this boy. What should I do?

Cathy Street, 16, England.

Hello Cathy. I understand your dilemma, and agree with you that your friend shouldn't meet this online friend, and definitely not alone. You should find out more information about him, like what school he goes to (and then confirm that he goes to that school), as well as trying to find out some other information about him, like the type of personality he has, or the type of people he hangs out with, and how old he is. You need to voice your concerns to your friend, and if she refuses to find out anymore information, or if he refuses to tell her anything more, and your friend still wants to meet him, then you should tell your parents what's is going on, or even go straight to her parents. She may be angry at you for a while, but you could potentially be saving her life. Good luck.

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