
My Promise To You

Hey everyone, and welcome to the An Agony Aunt Here blog. If you do confide in me some of your problems, I swear that I will help you in the best possible way that I can. I will not release your details (such as your email address) under any circumstance, however, with your permission (by clicking "yes" on the form) I will display your name when I put up information about the people I have helped. I really hope that I help you, and sort out your problem as best I can. Also, if you disagree with some advice that I add on, or think that something is missing, feel free to comment on there, and add whatever information you can. Come back soon!
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Friday, May 9, 2008

Boy Problems...

I have a huge crush on this guy friend I have. We are really close, and you can say that we flirt a lot. The thing is, I\'m not sure how he feels about me. Does he like me in the same way, or does he think I am a complete idiot? I really wish he would notice me as more than just a friend. How can I find out what he feels about me, because we text each other a lot, and hang out a lot, but in school we hardly ever see each other coz we are in different classes. Any ideas? I really want to know, coz I spend a lot of time just thinking about him. Thanks!

Trudy Canovhan, 15, America

Hello Trudy. This is a rather tricky situation, you two sound pretty close, and I am guessing you don't want him to find out that you like him and ruin your friendship with him, that is if he doesn't have the same feelings back to you. Try and find out who he likes, either ask him directly, or do it through the more subtle approach of getting one of your close friends, who is also friends with him, to find out who he likes. You could also accidently tell one of your friends that you like him, and hopefully they will get the word out, and he will hear about it. I hope you manage to find a solution to your problem soon!

Agony Aunt

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