A few weeks ago I noticed I had lost at least 2kg and that is ALOT for me, I haven't lost/gained mush weight for a year or so. Also, I have been eating a tonne more than usual, it hasn't been the right stuff either (being that my mum never has healthy food in the house) I have tried chewing gum/distracting myself but I still keep eating and eating (might not seem like a lot to some people but it is a heap for me) It really scares me that something may be wrong..

Emily, 15, Australia.
Hello Emily.
Well, your problem might be a little out of my league, as I am not a certified doctor, and I am not sure what your usual body mass is. If you are a very sporty person, then it is possible that you are losing calories because you are playing a lot more sports. However, if you are losing 2 kg's, and are worried, then you shouldn't stop eating the types of food your normally do it. It sounds like you have realised that you eat a lot, and in the past few weeks you have tried to stop yourself from eating as much as you usually do. This probably led to you losing the weight. If your diet is changing in any way, your eating more fruits and veggies, your eating more unhealthy food, anything, make sure that you are still getting all your daily requirements of fats, carbohydrates, proteins, etc. If this continues to persist, then you need to consult a doctor, as losing too much weight can in fact become dangerous for your body.
If you are a sporty person, then constantly eating food could be your body's way of saying that it requires more energy than you are currently giving it through your "diet". Try to get your mom to lock up all the unhealthy foods into a store, or even stop buying them. This might help you stop eating the food as you no longer have access to it. Ask your mom to buy some healthy foods, like fruits, and whenever you have a compulsion to eat, just grab a fruit and munch away.
Lots of Love,
Your Agony Aunt
1 comment:
Thanks so much! I have started eating healthier, I had to ask my mum to buy healthier food though.. Looking at our fridge could give someone a heart attack o_O Hopefully she starts to eat better herself.. I am starting to get control over what I eat though, thanks so much for the advice!
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